Friday, January 22, 2016

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!! I am so excited that it is the weekend for a few different reasons. For one, my sweet niece is turning SEVEN (how did this happen?!) tomorrow and we are celebrating with a family lunch on Sunday. I love birthdays, and I love family time! I am always excited for the weekend because we get to spend time together as a family, and I think we are going to shop a little bit for some house stuff which is always a fun time for me! And last but not least, I am thrilled for the weekend because Ben and I made an effort to eat healthier this week (LOTS of veggies), and the weekend means I am that much closer to having dessert back in my life!

This week has flown by and has been super fabulous! Below are some of my favorite things from the week. Enjoy!

Numero Uno
Ponytails on ponytails on ponytails -  Henley finally has enough hair for a little palm tree on her head or a ponytail in the back. I decided to do both one night for fun, and since then, I have given her a palm tree everyday. I just can't resist! I am also in love with our morning routine of her sitting on the bathroom counter while I do her hair. Although it may give me some horrid flashbacks from my childhood (I am tender-headed and my mom shows no mercy in the hairstyling department), I also can't wait to do her hair each morning for the next however many years she lets me! Whoa - guess I should learn how to French braid!
This is the aftermath of a palm tree all day!
Numero Dos
FRIENDS episodes - I finished Gilmore Girls over the holidays and have been lost without it. When Henley is napping, I like to at least have background noise going, and I always need a default show for when I'm folding laundry. This week, after having a morning show on, I saw FRIENDS on tv and it just sparked my interest. I didn't think I would really enjoy watching episodes again (my sisters and I were obsessed growing up), but I love it! Oh they don't make tv like this anymore! Also, we may need to discuss some outfit choices in the future. Were some of those things actually trendy? I just keep thinking that if you're on a tv show, you should have the best wardrobe options, but holy moly are some of those outfits rough!
Numero Tres

Women's Bible Study - A few years ago I joined a Women's Bible Study and absolutely loved it. I took a couple of semesters off during volleyball or track season, but I started back up last semester. Our teacher, Jen Wilkin, is amazing and really helps us to study the Bible in a way that I never had before. Our motto is: "The heart cannot love what the mind does not know." This was something I so needed...truly learning about God. Anyway, there is a study each semester and we started back up on Tuesday with this session in Hebrews. I am so excited to be back in community with my small group and to continue studying the Bible. This is one of those "me" things that I started back up last semester.
Numero Cuatro
Blogging again - I am so so happy to be blogging again! It is such a great outlet for me and I love getting to write again. Thank you so much to those of you who have made comments or have talked to me about how excited you are to read what I have to say. You have no idea how much it means to me!
Numero Cinco
Home Goods and the Target Dollar/Three Dollar Section - I'm combining these two because there is only so much you need to know about two of my biggest shopping addictions! I LOVE these two places! I really love everything about Target, but this week I am giving a special shout out to the dollar/three dollar section.  Gotta throw in that "three dollar" because most of the best stuff is really not a dollar. They get you anyway they can! After moving at the end of October, I am constantly on the lookout for the perfect things to go in our house. We have settled in for the most part, but we still have the details to finish. Although my husband may tell you different based on his thoughts of my spending, I have no intentions of doing it all at once. I am just always looking for special pieces! We have a TJ Maxx here in Denton that has a small Home Goods section, but the real winner is in Highland Village which is now about 30 minutes away. No problem...I go to a couple workout classes at the gym in Highland Village which is conveniently located in the same shopping center as Home Goods! Needless to say, I am in and out of there about twice a week perusing. In an effort to show self-control, I have implented a rule - if I see something in there 3+ times and I still want it and have been thinking about it, then I can possibly purchase it. Anyway, I made a couple purchases from both the dollar/three dollar section and Home Goods this week that I am happy with, so I call this week a winner! Plus, you know that I will be going back this weekend with Ben to pull the trigger on a few more things! I use him for his truck!  
Our mudroom/laundry room has no shelving or cabinets, so I added this adorable shelving unit and basket to help out. Don't mind the hoses...I am hoping my husband will build something around the washer and dryer to hide them.
We now have a playroom for Henley and I just added these on the wall in a cute little corner. I am hoping to add a picnic table (that my husband will build) underneath for Henley to one day color/create.
Happy Friday friends! I hope you have a fabulous weekend! 

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