Monday, January 9, 2017

My Workout Routine

Happy Monday! 

I get a lot of questions from everyone about my weekly workout routine, so I thought it would be fun to kick-off the new year by sharing mine with you. So many people have big goals for the new year in regards to fitness and health. I am in no way a professional, so please do your research before you decide on something for yourself, but I will share what works for me and what I love. 

First of all, I grew up playing sports. I played softball, volleyball, basketball, ran track, was a cheerleader, etc. I have always loved being active! I would love it if I could continue playing sports as an adult, but I haven't found the time to fit that into my schedule nor have I found the teams in my area. Booooo!!! When softball season ended my senior year in high school, I took up running with a teammate to stay in shape. I absolutely fell in love! 

I continued running and going to the gym when I went to college. The above picture is of my best friend and I (we became best friends through running) running our first half marathon my junior year at Baylor. I went through phases throughout college and after of mostly being a cardio queen, then sometimes incorporating weights and loving the results, then going back to being a cardio queen. I ran a lot of races between college and having Henley. 

After having Henley, my view on fitness totally changed. I wanted to be healthy and fit, not just skinny to fit into my clothes. I also didn't have the same amount of time to workout that I used to. While I was still teaching, I relied on the website, fitness to get back into shape. I highly recommend this site. It is amazing! All the workouts are free (unless you decide to join a program), and they are incredible! You can choose between a variety of different levels and a large variety of different types of workouts as well. They absolutely helped me get back to my pre-baby body, but stronger. 

A year after having Henley I ran my first half marathon in about 3 years. I was beyond thrilled! It just felt different after having a baby and was such an accomplishment for me. 

Right now, and for the past 2 years, I am in love with my workout routine! When I started staying home with Henley, I got back into the gym and jumped into the classes. After a few months, I found the teachers that really challenge me and the classes that I love. I have pretty much stuck with that routine for the past couple years with a few changes every now and then. My weekly routine is below: 

Monday: boot camp class 
Tuesday: spin class 
Wednesday: body works 
Thursday: spin class or body works 
Friday: on my own - this may be a long walk or run, a fitness blender workout or a workout I do on my own at the gym 
Saturday: off or something active with the family 
Sunday: off 

**If I can't make it to the gym because of an appointment or a play date, I usually do a fitness blender workout at home during nap time.**

I love this routine, and I love being active! 

Hiking the tallest mountain in Colorado this summer. 

Skiing in Bachelor Gulch 

Surfing in Hawaii 

If I was able to ski, hike, surf, etc. every single day, I totally would, but for now, I live in Denton, TX, and I am a gym rat! 

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