Friday, July 29, 2016

A Day in the Life: Summer Edition

I love it when I get to read "a day in the life" posts, so I thought I would do one of my own. Plus, now that I stay home, I frequently get asked what our day looks like, so here you go. This is what our day looked like on Wednesday, July 27th.

7:00 - My alarm went off and I got out of bed and headed to the living room couch. I have a bad habit right now of checking social media first thing in the morning. My routine is Timehop, Facebook and Instagram. I need to break this habit, but I justify it since I don't get on my phone again until bedtime. 

7:30 - Daily Devotional + blog reading 

I was sent this devotional in a book share through Facebook and am really enjoying it. Each morning is really short, but leaves you thinking and has been great to get back into the routine of starting my day with God. 

8:00 - I hear a little voice talking to herself! 

Henley loves to play in her crib in the mornings, so I always hear her talking before I go get her! I changed her diaper, took her to say hello to Ben and she ran around a little bit while I got her breakfast ready. 

8:15 - Henley and I ate breakfast together while Doc McStuffins played in the background. 

8:30 - While Henley watches cartoons and finishes eating, I fold the laundry and clean up Henley's room. 

There are only three people in this house and I feel like laundry is my life! How?!?

8:45 - Ben leaves for work and Henley has to say goodbye at the backdoor, so I take the opportunity to clean out our bags from the day before and organize our pool bag. 

Wednesday mornings are nice, because I don't go to the gym until 11, so things start out pretty slow and productive. 

9-10:30 - Henley plays and plays and plays, while I look at our day and plan it out and get get ready for the gym. Once I'm ready, I get Henley ready, do her hair and brush her teeth. 

Then, we play with a picture scenes book on her bedroom floor for a little while. She LOVES looking at animals right now and practicing their sounds. Once she's bored of that, we decide that it's about time that we repaint her toe nails. 

After her toes are painted, she keeps playing while I pick up the morning mess and pack our bag for the day. She also eats a snack in her car! 

Then we head out for the gym. 

11:00 - I take a body works class at the gym while Henley plays in the kids area. She absolutely loves going to the gym to play!

12:00 - We leave the gym and head over to my in-law's house. My mother-in-law has an eBay business and since she is out of town, I am doing the shipping for her until she gets back. I make lunch for Henley and I before we get started and then she watches Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and eats while I work. 

It wasn't our most nutritious lunch, but it will get the job done! Peanut butter crackers, pretzels, cheese for Henley and blueberries. 

Henley stayed fabulously entertained while I worked, and we even sat on the bench together to finish lunch and Mickey Mouse before leaving with our loot. 

1:40 - Once we headed out for the post office, it did not take Henley long to fall asleep in the car. I took advantage of it and stopped by Sonic for a drink. Then, I mailed our packages and headed home with my sleeping baby. 

2:15 - 4:30 - Henley napped. Yes, my child can sleep! Sleeping has never been an issue for her and some afternoons she may sleep until 5 or so even. Her nap gives me a lot of time to work on things around the house or on the blog. 

I put up my What's Up Wednesday blog post, folded and put away laundry, vacuumed our master bed and bath, cleaned showers, tubs, toilets, mirrors and countertops, and started a new load of laundry. I would say it was a very productive nap time! It also poured down rain and I enjoyed getting to work in my cozy house! 

4:30 - Henley woke up and Ben got home at the same time. It was super early for Ben to be home, but we planned a lake day earlier in the week, so he was hoping the weather would clear out. We heard from our friends around 4:45 and were both hoping for some good lake weather, so we decided to risk it and head out there. 

5:00 - I packed our bags, shaved my legs (an emergency last minute task), put on my bathing suit, and got Henley ready while Ben went to go grab our boat. 

5:45 - We got to the lake and it was amazing! We were literally the only boat out there for almost the entire time we were there. The water was like glass and we had a blast with our friends. I got to surf the most I have ever gotten to, and we all had a great time. 

It was only 80 degrees outside and the water temperature was 86 degrees. It was glorious! We listened to music, wakeboarded, surfed and the men even tried to slalom before we headed in around 8:15 and booked it to the nearest restaurant which closed at 9. 

It was a fabulous day!! 

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